Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay on IFSM 300 Case Study, 1 - 866 Words

Case Study, Stage 1 Kristina Hackett IFSM 300 September 1, 2013 Many customers are uncomfortable with exercising in front of other people or in large groups. There are many improvements that are being done to compliment the customers, such as having more availability in the classes and implementing different types of monitors to show your progress. There are many people today trying to get back into shape and just have no motivation. We are hoping to make the fitness facility a place customers look forward to going every day, by using more technology in the equipment and improving our instructional classes. â€Å"Business has been revolutionized by technology and the club industry has followed.†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦The threat of new entrants is also high with regards to new facilities being built daily in different parts of the city to lure in customers. The negative effect this will have on our facility is, we will have to compete with all other gyms and memberships. Our newly remodeled fitness facility with the latest technology will be a competitor for the new and upcoming facilities. The supplier power is neutral and has a medium impact on the facility. Yes, this will still effect our strategy in finding the most qualified instructors who are comfortable with teaching in a new generation of technology based customers. The instructors will have training on all technology being implemented into each classroom and the effects it should have on our customers. We are hoping the customers will provide feedback on how the technology has either complemented their workouts or if they prefer to opt out of using the technology. We have used the Focused Strategy since our concern is the customers and how they are using our improved technological devices in class sessions. There are many different fitness facilities trying to get business from competition by lowering the price and offering coupons for a lower standard environment. What we mean by that is, we will offer the same lower pricing but have friendlier employees, new technology based workout rooms, improved equipment, and many more options for the same cost. The organization for the classes has beenShow MoreRelatedIfsm300 Umuc Haircuts Case Study Stage 1-5 Assignment Ifsm 300 Umuc Haircuts Case Study Stage 1-5 Assignment5162 Words   |  21 PagesIFSM300 UMUC Haircuts Case Study STAGE 1-5 assignment Click below link for Answer visit Case Study, Stage 1: Business Environment Analysis Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the â€Å"UMUC Haircuts Case Study† and be sure to take a look at the â€Å"Walmart Example.† Purpose of thisRead MoreIfsm 300 Umuc Haircuts Stage 2694 Words   |  3 PagesIFSM 300 UMUC Haircuts Stage 2 Click Link Below To Buy: Case Study, Stage 2: Business Process Analysis and Technology Solution Proposal Before you begin this assignment, be sure you have read the â€Å"UMUC Haircuts Case Study†, â€Å"UMUC Haircuts Stage 1† Project and the â€Å"Walmart Example.† You will use the strategic business area and process that you selected in Stage 1; review the feedback you received for any recommended changes to yourRead MoreEssay on Final Exam788 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿IFSM 300 Final Assessment By my signature below, I confirm that the work contained here is my own, I have received no outside assistance and have properly cited and referenced any external research that has been incorporated in my answers. I have fully complied with UMUCs Policy on Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism (Policy 150.25). Failure to properly credit your research sources is a violation of this policy. _____________________________________ (Typed signature represents actual

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ethical Issues Draft Finding The Right Minimum Wage

Ethical Issues Draft – Finding the Right Minimum Wage Minimum wage has only been around in the United States (US) for a short period of time. Since 1938, the minimum wage has undergone many changes in its laws and regulations and has been raised to extreme amounts in some states. Today states must provide at least the equivalent minimum wage set by the federal government. Some states, however, chose to raise the minimum wage rate higher than that set by the federal government. In those states, the citizens will protest to get higher wages so that they can live more comfortably. Protesters demonstrate for higher minimum wages every year. Protesters demand even higher wages than what some employers can handle paying. All people want to be able to live without worrying if they can pay for the necessities of life. We all want to be able to enjoy the high life, which comes with earning more money. Even if the amount of minimum wage cannot benefit us all with great impact, it can a t least benefit those who need the money to rise above the poverty line. Many people don’t understand that there are also negative outcomes of wanting increase the minimum wage for employees. Most people only consider that the money earned will help themselves and their family members. Nevertheless, one thing the people know is that a small wage of 7 – 8 dollars isn’t enough to live well on. Nor is a higher wage of 10 – 15 dollars satisfying enough for us either. These issues show we need a balancedShow MoreRelatedEthical Issues Draft : Finding The Right Minimum Wage1882 Words   |  8 PagesGensler Fletcher March 2, 2016 Period 5 Ethical Issues Draft – Finding the Right Minimum Wage Minimum wage has only been around in the United States (US) for a short period of time. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Early Civilization Matrix Free Essays

Early Civilizations Matrix Using your readings and outside sources complete the following matrix. Be sure to address the following in your matrix: †¢Provide names, titles, dates, brief descriptions of important events, and other details as necessary. †¢Note the details of key political, socioeconomic, technological, artistic, musical, architectural, philosophical, and literary developments for each civilization listed in the table, which were evidenced in the humanities. We will write a custom essay sample on Early Civilization Matrix or any similar topic only for you Order Now Be sure to properly cite the sources that you use in completing this matrix. Civilization|Politics|Society/ Economics|Technology|Art|Music|Architecture|Philosophy|Literature| Prehistoric |N/A|N/A|Arti-craft was one the many thing that was invented during this time, anti-craft are item such as hunting weapon spears, rocks. |Art was one of the many things that was started in the prehistoric era cave art was founded in many part of the world the oldest one was founded Lascaux France in1945 this is known to be one of the oldest cave art. |N/A|Stonehenge was the biggest architectural piece that the prehistoric built. It was used as a celestial calendar predicting the movement of the sun and moon, it was built in Wiltshire, England on 3000-1800 B. C. E. |N/A|N/A| Mesopotamian |During this point of time communication was a very difficult process. This caused the Mesopotamian to create different city-states and independent of the others and protective of its independence. |The Mesopotamian had a very wealthy economy; due to its landscape surrounded by major part of water, fishing was one of the many great part of trading this led them to be a very wealthy country. | The major technology introduces in this era in the second millennium B. C. E was Iron. Iron was a technology used for many thing such as farming tools, armor. |Graves found in Ur, Iraq and in a different place in Mesopotamian led archeologist to find beautiful art. Sound box of a Harp illustrated non-surviving portions of epic, or they referred to admired fables. |Harps were found in Ur, Iraq. This was a clue that music was played during this time for people to tell stories about epic characters|One of the many architectures found in Mesopotamian are this gigantic temples that were found in Ur, Iraq. This was used to worship there god and to teach the young bout their history and about their god. |Much epic philosophy was founded for this era. The biggest one was Babylonian consideration had a considerable influence on early Greek and Hellenistic philosophy|One of the most famous literature of this era Epic of Gilgamesh, in twelve books, translated from the original Sumerian arranged upon an astronomical principle. Each division contains the story of a s ingle adventure in the career of Gilgamesh. | Ancient Egyptian|The leader of the lawful system was formally the pharaoh, who was accountable for enacting laws, delivering truthfulness, and maintaining law and order. Egyptians did not use currency until the later in time; they did use a sort of money exchange system with typical sacks of grain and the Deben a weight of roughly 91 grams|Traditional empiricism since evidenced by the Edwin Smith and Eber in 1600 BC is first recognized by the Egyptians. The Egyptians formed their individual alphabet and decimal system. |Artist in Ancient Egyptian used stone to carve statues and fine reliefs The Bust of Nefertiti, by the sculptor Thutmose, is one of the most famous masterpieces of ancient Egyptian art. In Ancient Egypt music and dance were trendy entertainments, for the wealthy one. Early on instruments included flutes and harps, while instruments similar to trumpets, oboes, and pipes developed later and became popular. Music was an impor tant piece during religious times. |Ancient Egypt includes some of the most famous structures in the world: the Great Pyramids of Giza which is known to be built in 2575 B. C. E. Structure projects were planned and funded by the state for sacred and celebration purposes, but also to reinforce the power of the pharaoh. The tale of Sinuhe, written in Middle Egyptian, may be the classic of Egyptian writing. Printed at this time was the Westcar Papyrus, a set of stories told to Khufu by his sons involving the marvels performed by priests. The Instruction of Amen mope is measured a work of genius of eastern literature. |Script first appeared in involvement with kingship on labels and tags for objects establish in royal tombs. A few of the finest acknowledged pieces of ancient Egyptian writing such as the Pyramid and Coffin Texts, were written in Classical Egyptian, which sustained to be the language of writing until 1300 BC. Aegean|The position was ruled by a king, whose role was militar y, judicial, and religious. |The economy was controlled by the regime, which prepared memo of external and internal crop, disperse work, and were in charge of the giving out of food. |More powerful iron was built during this time 1200 B. C. E. This led to a larger military and more tools for hunting and farming. |One of the most famous art in this time era is the Bull-leaping fresco, in Knossos, Crete in 1500 B. C. E. Picture of the modern bull fighting which were codified by Julius Caesar. |Music was used for religious occasion. Occasionally used during burial and church activities. |Citadels were isolated forts that undoubtedly served to militarily control territory. Walls were often made in a fashion called cyclopean, which means that they were constructed of large, boulders loosely fitted without the clay mortar of the day. |The Aegean age told many stories but the most famous one were the one of Trojans war passing them from generation to generation. The story are known to be called the Iliad and the Odyssey. |Story of Iliad and Odyssey were written in script this story is written in 16000 long lines. | Archaic Greek|Archaic Greek is known to own kingdoms ruling over relatively large territories. |Archaic Greek was one of the most advanced pre-industrial economies. Mostly all the people had a job to do which kept the economy growing. ||||||| Classical Greek||||||||| Hellenistic ||||||||| Roman||||||||| Judaic ||||||||| Early Christian||||||||| Byzantium||||||||| Islamic||||||||| . How to cite Early Civilization Matrix, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Accounting For Business Combinations for Financial Reporting

Question: Discuss about theAccounting For Business Combinations for Financial Reporting. Answer: General According to AASB 8, the purpose of the segment reporting of a business information is to aid the users of financial statement in making better understanding post analysis and better assessment of the enterprises performance both past and future relating to its various segments. Segment reporting, therefore, helps the stakeholders of the business including the users like investors in having a better understanding of the businesss performance; detailed assessment of the risks and returns relating to enterprise true and fair presentation; and making smart as well as informed investment judgments as a whole (Kang and Gray, 2013). On the other hand, detailed presentation of segment-wise information may prove to be detrimental and misleading at times to the investors and users with lack of understanding of a financial aspect of business information, failing to understand the wholesome view based on the fragmented information. The considerable cost has to be incurred for development, preparation and providing of segment reporting, in terms of the costs of collection of information, processing of information, audit and spreading of the final segmented information, which will depend on the existing management control system. This may mostly attract foreign, competitors, governmental and investors scrutinizing efforts, which may actually outweigh the cost. The management approach means external reporting purposes of entitys business and geographical segments which may need reporting of segment financial information constant with the ways of management of businesses, looking to their organization as well as management structure along with its internal financial reporting system. The adoption of this approach is based on the way of organization of segments by the management within the public entity for operating decision making and performance assessment in a cost-effective as well as timely manner (Choudhary and Ghorai, 2016). This also provides users to see the financials from the managements point of view, resulting in better communication coordination of future decisions on prospective future plans. Well, segment reporting may result in a lot of private information disclosure to its users and competitors. This may reveal to the public at large including the competitors as well the government, the more profitable segments which may result in more stringent competitive rivalry strategic tantrum from competitors and more indulgence of compliance regulations from governmental departments (Kang and Gray, 2013). The lower performing segments may even make the picture of the business little unattractive in eyes of investors, more negotiable bids from business dealings and fall in entitys stock prices. Where segment reporting deals with the presentation of financial information relating to different product, services or geographical areas of a business, consolidated accounting presents information of various subsidiaries, joint ventures, associates of a business as one (Kang and Gray, 2013). AASB 8 presents financial information a fragmented and detailed manner whereas AASB 10 reports information of parent with its subsidiaries as a whole portraying a single picture. It cannot be said that presentation of both segment reporting and consolidation accounts in the same financial report is paradoxical since both serve a different purpose for different users. Assessment of both forms of information is needed for an investor to make an informed decision (Birt and Shailer, 2011). The stakeholders will be in a better position for decision making when they have details of various segments and their performance in addition to combined financial data of parent business and its several subsidiaries and joint ventures. Application Global Value Fund Limited (GVF) is an investment company is engaged in making investments in worldwide securities. The establishment of the company was with a vision to provide stockholders with an prospect of making investment in in international financial markets. They do this by creating a judiciously built portfolio of financial assets which were trading at a discount in comparison to their underlying value, which is their principal activity (Bugeja, Czernkowski and Moran, 2015). The Company has appointed an investment manager named Metage Capital Limited, specializing in assets trading purchase at a discount to their intrinsic value, by making use of proprietary systems and strategies, at hand at the time of purchase. The portfolio comprises mostly of equities and closed-ended funds, listed on various international exchanges and cash deposits denominated in foreign and domestic currencies. The approach of the companies is to deliver higher risk-adjusted returns in comparison to outmoded methods of international equity investment. The Companys Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2016, reports that it has a single reportable segment. Global Value Fund Limited (GVF), is engaged in investment activities only. GVF derives revenue from the sale of its investments, dividend income and interest income, with foreign exposure due to investment in companies operating internationally (Global Value Fund Limited. Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2016, 2016). The annual report disclosing information about segment revenue, expense, assets, and liabilities, is in a consistency with disclosure requirement relating to operating segment and reportable segment stated in AASB 8 (Katselas, Birt and Kang, 2011). Since the Company has a single reportable segment, it discloses all the revenue that is generated gains on disposal of assets, market value movement of investments, foreign exchange movement, interest income and dividend income. The company has subsequently made disclosure of expenses in relation to revenue in its statement of Profit and Loss and other comprehensive income (Global Value Fund Limited. Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2016, 2016). In addition, the company discloses its assets including cash, trade receivables, financial assets and deferred tax assets; and liabilities including trade payables, current tax liability and deferred tax liability. There might occur differences in a total of reportable segments from consolidated figures due to alterations in accounting procedures and apportionment of costs ocurred centrally. Fluctuations from previous periods in the methods of measurement and the effect of those changes shall be disclosed. Therefore, IFRS 8 necessitates reconciliation among a total of the reportable segment revenues, total assets, total profit or loss, and other amounts of which disclosure has been provided for reportable segments to the consequent amounts in the final financial statements (Kang and Gray, 2013). An audit trail among the managerial accounts and the consolidated financial information will suffice a lot of requirement of differences. References Birt, J. and Shailer, G., 2011. Forecasting confidence under segment reporting. Accounting Research Journal, 24(3), pp.245-267. Bugeja, M., Czernkowski, R. and Moran, D., 2015. The impact of the management approach on segment reporting. Journal of Business Finance Accounting, 42(3-4), pp.310-366. Choudhary, R.P. and Ghorai, S., 2016. Segment Reporting Practices in India: Impact of IFRS 8 During Transition Period. The MA Journal, 51(10), pp.35-49. Global Value Fund Limited. Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2016. 2016. [Online]. Available through [Accessed on 12th October 2017]. Kang, H. and Gray, S.J., 2013. Segment reporting practices in Australia: Has IFRS 8 made a difference?. Australian Accounting Review, 23(3), pp.232-243. Kang, H. and Gray, S.J., 2013. Segment reporting practices in Australia: Has IFRS 8 made a difference?. Australian Accounting Review, 23(3), pp.232-243. Katselas, D., Birt, J. and Kang, X.H., 2011. International firm lobbying and ED 8 operating segments. Australian Accounting Review, 21(2), pp.154-166.